Reading and Research

Why an outdoor workout is better for you than indoors
Research suggests moving your workout outside can be a simple way to magnify its benefits, not only for thinking but also health, happiness, fitness and motivation — a timely message as springtime temperatures rise, leaves bud, days lengthen and the outdoors beckons.
​NHS ‘could save £635m by prescribing time in nature’
Dr Amir Khan, NHS doctor and vice president of The Wildlife Trusts, said: “What excites me about this research is that it shows the potential of Wildlife Trusts programmes to work alongside and reduce reliance on NHS services.
Anna Bartter
Why group walks in nature have such a powerful effect on our mental health
If you’re struggling with stress or low mood, it seems the age-old advice really does ring true: get outside, go for a walk and talk to some friends. Combine all three and you’re onto a winner.